+36 70 516 3244|titkarsag@mab.hu

External quality assurance of research in higher education institutions

As part of the activities of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), a working group consisting of experts from different quality assurance agencies investigated the topic of external quality assurance (EQA) of research in higher education institutions (HEIs) between 2023 and 2024. This topic has a growing interest in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Valéria Csépe, the President of MAB has been also a member of this working group.

The ENQA working group has provided a map of European quality assurance agencies’ practices on this emerging topic and has included some reflective questions in the final report, which was published on 13th March 2025.

By shedding light on the activities of multiple agencies, this report presents the major trends related to EQA of research, identified through literature review, the analysis of a survey and interview results and it also provides agencies with some reflective questions to support the development or implementation of EQA for research activities. Indeed, the results show that 17 out of the 59 agencies surveyed do not engage in EQA of research and for those willing to do so, they face two immense challenges: the lack of a supportive national framework and the reluctance of the HEIs.

It is important to recognize that EQA of research is not equal with research assessment, as the quality assurance of research falls outside the remit of quality assurance agencies, still it remains as a crucial question for HEIs. Doctoral training is particularly important in this regard, as it is involved in both processes.



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