The Hungarian Accreditation Committee is a national-level, independent body of experts tasked with the external evaluation of the quality of educational and related research activities and the internal quality assurance (QA) systems of higher education institutions in Hungary. It operates within the scope of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). The Board is comprised of 20 higher education experts, students and external stakeholders and is the highest decision-making board. It determines the by-laws, rules of procedure, organisational framework and evaluation and accreditation criteria and procedures, and passes resolutions on accreditation decisions. Expert committees and a Secretariat contribute to its operations.
In addition, the MAB has two statutory boards, a Financial Supervisory Board and a Board of Appeals. The latter board of three independent members handles appeals against the MAB’s decisions and, in line with internal regulations, may deal with complaints against procedures. An International Advisory Board provides guidance and recommendations for the MAB’s work.
The MAB scope of activities extends to
- initial (ex ante) accreditation of new institutions
- initial evaluation of education and learning outcome framework requirements of Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes
- initial evaluation of education and learning outcome framework requirements of Bachelor programmes;
- initial evaluation of education and learning outcome framework requirements of Master programmes;
- initial accreditation of VET programmes;
- initial accreditation of Bachelor programmes;
- initial accreditation of Master programmes;
- initial accreditation of new doctoral schools at universities;
- accreditation (ex post) of institutions in five-year cycles;
- accreditation of doctoral schools in maximum five-year cycles;
- WFME standards-based accreditation of basic medical programmes.
The MAB may evaluate running Bachelor and Master programmes if requested by an institution or the ministry. Additionally, it evaluates applications for awarding university professor positions.
The National Higher Education Act of 2011, lists some 70 higher education institutions operating in Hungary. In order to receive state recognition and to issue degrees, all higher education institutions, including private ones, must be accredited. Denominational higher education institutions receive state financing similar to state institutions and are accredited but the MAB’s mandate pertains only to secular programmes. Foreign higher education institutions are also required to be evaluated in order to receive license to operate from the Educational Authority of the Ministry of National Resources. A precondition is that they are legally recognized as HEI in their home country.
Mission statement
The Hungarian Accreditation Committee is a national expert board for monitoring, safeguarding and evaluating the quality of teaching, scientific research and artistic activities in higher education.
Its key task is to provide evaluation services to facilitate high standards of learning in Hungarian higher education institutions and to promote quality assurance to support all levels of education and all stakeholders involved. The MAB works in line with the laws relevant to higher education, performs the tasks assigned to it, meets the ESG 2015 criteria and proceeds in line with the objective, complex and modern guidelines developed by its disciplinary committees and the MAB Board. Through its activities, the MAB promotes the independence of operations. It applies, develops and/or adapts assessment methodologies conforming to international standards. The MAB’s work as an expert, accreditor, analyst and submitter of proposals follows the values specified in the international standards, is based on objective criteria and is independent, unbiased and free from politics. Through all of its activities, the MAB endeavours to solidify the quality culture of higher education institutions in order to improve the standards of Hungarian higher education and strengthen its international reputation.
MAB’s core values:
(1) Transparency: the MAB makes the principles underlying its decisions and analyses public, and publishes its position statements as well as the criteria used in its decision-making and analysis.
(2) Independence: autonomy in its operations ensures and facilitates the high standards and recognition of the work performed by the MAB, while its independence as an organisation guarantees respect and support for the autonomy of higher education institutions.
(3) Cooperation: the MAB regularly consults higher education stakeholders and works with higher education bodies, peer agencies in quality assurance and reputable international quality assurance organisations.
(4) Integrity: the MAB acts in an irreproachable, fair, unbiased, objective and professional manner at all times.
Key goals:
- To protect all stakeholders in higher education with regard to quality.
- To support the improvement of quality standards in higher education.
- To report on the quality of higher education to the government and to Hungarian society.
The MAB performs quality certification services by assessing whether an institution or programme meets the quality criteria specified and published by the MAB in advance. The MAB will grant accreditation to an institution or programme if it meets these criteria. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions.
Additional tasks include the evaluation of university professor applications, commenting on the doctoral and habilitation policies of institutions, and formulating opinions on various issues concerning the quality of higher education.
Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area
Section 71(1) of Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education specifies that the MAB Board has 20 members. Nine members are delegated by the minister, two by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, one by the Hungarian Academy of Arts, three by the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, two by religious legal entities maintaining higher education institutions, one by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one by the National Union of Students in Hungary, and one by the National Association of Doctoral Students. Members of the MAB Board are appointed for a term of six years by the Prime Minister upon the proposal of the minister responsible for education. Their mandate can be renewed for one additional term. (The member delegated by the National Association of Doctoral Students is appointed by the Prime Minister for two years.) Members of the Board – with the exception of the person delegated by the National Association of Doctoral Students – are required to hold a doctoral degree or equivalent. Members of the Higher Education Planning Committee as well as rectors and government officials are barred from membership.
Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education specifies that for the 6-year term beginning on 1 March 2012, the President of the MAB is proposed jointly by the minister responsible for education and the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from among the members of the MAB Board. The President is appointed by the Prime Minister. The position of the President of the MAB has been held by Dr Valéria Csépe since 1 June 2016.
Board members of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (since 1 March 2018) |
Members of the University Professors’ College
(from September 06 2024)
Members of the Training College
(from 06 September 2024) |
Accreditation College Members
(from 06 September 2024) |
Members of the Doctoral Accreditation College
(from June 28, 2024) |
Members of the College of Theology
(from 28 June 2024) |
Members of the Medical Education Working Group
(from 6 September 2024) |
MAB Secretariat leaders |
MAB Secretariat officers |
MAB Secretariat administrators |
IT staff of the MAB Secretariat |
Financial Supervisory Board |
Board members |
The task of the SPB (Strategic Planning Board) is to follow the work of the MAB and to provide advise, especially in its annual meetings where, based on the MAB’s annual report and other documents, the SPB issues Recommendations. The MAB may also ask the SPB on occasion by mail to recommend experts for its external evaluations and to consult on other issues.
Name | Workplace, Position |
Dr. Christoph Grolimund | director, AAQ (Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance) |
Dr. Guy Haug | higher education consultant, lecturer at the University of Valencia |
Dr. Padraig Walsh | CEO, QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) |
Ronny Heintze | Deputy Director, AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes) |
Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević | professor, former vice-rector of the University of Zagreb, steering committee member to the Institutional Evaluation Program (IEP) of the European University Association (EUA) |
Prof. Dr Marilena Maniaci | member of the board at ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes), board member of HCERES (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, France) |
Members |
Name | Place of work and position |
Gábor Bojár (since 22 June 2018) |
President of the Board of Directors, Graphisoft SE |
István Petényi (since 26 Ferbruary2021) |
Managing Director, evosoft Hungary Kft. |
András Háry (since 22 June 2018) |
Managing Director, Autóipari Próbapálya Zala Ltd. [Automotive Test Track Zala Ltd.] |
Erzsébet Knáb (since 22 June 2018) |
Managing Director for Human Resources, Audi Hungaria |
Gábor Szabó (since 22 June 2018) |
Managing Director, ELI-ALPS |
Zita dr. Magyar (since 26 November 2021) |
Director, National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning |
Erzsébet Dr. Németh (since 26 November 2021) |
Chairman, State Audit Office of Hungary |
Katalin Süle (since 26 November 2021) |
National Vice-President for General Agricultural Affairs, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (As a delegate of President Balázs Győrffy), |
Gyula Dr. Kincses (since 26 November 2021) |
Chairman, Hungarian Medical Chamber |
Tamás Bihall (since 26 November 2021) |
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Indrustry, Vice-President for Education and Training |
Péter Horváth (since 26 November 2021) |
Chairman, National Teachers Chamber |
Dr. Lajos Mocsai (since 08 July 2022) |
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation of the Hungarian University of Sports Science, Hungarian University of Sports Science |
The MAB has been in numerous international events and organisations in quality assurance in higher education, and upholds extensive connections with individuals and organisations involved in international quality assurance. As part of its work in this area, the MAB contributed to the development of various quality assurance principles of the Bologna Process, including the ESG (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area).
MAB has been a member of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) since its establishment in 2002. Since 2008 the MAB undergoes an evaluation coordinated by ENQA to assess its compliance with the ESG as a condition of membership. The president, secretary general and staff members of the MAB regularly attend the General Assembly of ENQA, held every 6 months, and its various forums and seminars, thereby contributing to to the evolution of quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area.
Staff members of the MAB have been elected to the ENQA Board on various occasions, and have also participated in the evaluation of quality assurance agencies in other countries. Based on its compliance with the ESG, the MAB applied for listing in EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register) and has been in the Register since 2018.
The MAB was a founding member of CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education), the Secretariat of which operated out of the MAB until 2016.
The MAB has also been an active participant in the institution evaluation programmes (IEP) of the EUA (European University Association). It has been involved in the work of its Board from time to time, and a MAB employee is regularly invited to be on its international visiting panel.
MAB is a founding member organization of the Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN), member of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) and an affiliate member of the European University Association (EUA) since 2023.
ENQA Follow up 2020
- Higher Education Act CCIV of 2011
- Government Decrees
Financial Reports 2020
Financial Reports 2019
Financial Reports 2018
Financial Reports 2017
Financial Reports 2016
March 29, 2023, OECD TSI conference – Győr
March 29, 2023, OECD TSI conference – Győr
March 9, 2023, „Role of accreditation in an effective higher education”
March 9, 2023, „Role of accreditation in an effective higher education”
October 4, 2022, National Roundtable on Policy Options for Hungary to Assure the Quality of Digital Higher Education
June 22-24, 2022, The Hungarian Accreditation Committee’s (MAB) WFME 2020-based accreditation standards with a focus on quality assurance and assessment – Péter Levente Lakatos
May 20, 2022, Presentation on the WFME accreditation procedure of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee – Péter Levente Lakatos, Anna Szombathelyi
May 18, 2022, CEENQA Bi-Monthly Meeting: Presentation of MAB – Péter Levente Lakatos
March 9, 2022, MAB Webinar Series 2022: European Universities Initiative. Keynote speakers: Cristina Ghitulica, Ferenc Takó
March 9, 2022, MAB Webinar Series 2022: European Universities Initiative. Keynote speakers: Cristina Ghitulica, Ferenc Takó
2021. november 18.: DG Reform – TSI webinar, Supporting Quality Digital Higher Education In Hungary: Findings to Date and What’s Next – Péter Levente Lakatos
April 28, 2021 Presentation of ENQA Board Member, International Specialist about ENQA at the Asian AQAN Network Strategy Workshop- Krisztina Rozsnyai
ITEAC 2020 – IV. Summary Volume of the International Teacher Education Accreditation Conference- Valéria Csépe
November 4-5, 2020 International conference of Stipendium Hungaricum Operational Partners 2020 conference– Péter Levente Lakatos
November 4-5, 2020 International conference of Stipendium Hungaricum Operational Partners 2020 conference– Péter Levente Lakatos
September 24, 2020 Support for the Digital Transformation of Hungarian Higher Education– Valéria Csépe
September 24, 2020 Support for the Digital Transformation of Hungarian Higher Education– Valéria Csépe
June 24, 2020 Practical experience of implementing distance learning in higher education – Valéria Csépe
June 24, 2020 Practical experience of implementing distance learning in higher education – Valéria Csépe
February 20, 2020 HÖOK conference – Valéria Csépe
February 20, 2020 HÖOK conference – Valéria Csépe