CEENQA’s annual General Assembly and Workshop took place on 23/24 September in Istanbul, generously hosted by MAB’s partner agency, the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs in Turkey (EPDAD).
The workshop on 23 September dealt with the topic “Independence of quality assurance agencies” and featured presentations from the president of ENQA, a representative of the European University Association (EUA), academia and members of the CEENQA community. You can find most of the workshop presentations below:
Franci Demšar: Independence in the public sector
Enora Bennetot Pruvot: University Autonomy in Europe: the EUA Scorecard
Douglas Blackstock: Agencies, independence and their relationship with the ESG
Maja Milas: Challenging Formal and Actual Independence of QA agencies – CEENQA study
Among several important resolutions, the General Assembly on 24 September also made decisions regarding members of the board: Franci Demšar (NAKVIS, Slovenia) was re-elected for a second term as president of CEENQA. Dinçay Köksal (EPDAD, Turkey), Péter Levente Lakatos (MAB, Hungary) and Vesna Dodiković-Jurković (ASHE, Croatia) were newly elected to the board. Congratulations to them all!
Source: CEENQA