Education and learning outcome framework requirements for vocational (VET), bachelor and master programmes are part of a two-step procedure in the quality evaluation for the initial licensing of new programmes. Following the HAC’s evaluation, the framework requirements are issued as ministerial decrees. Any new programme to be launched at institutions has either to fit into the existing framework or, if it does not, an institution has to apply for a new framework before submitting an accreditation request for the programme.
The framework requirements set down the name of the degree; the field; the length of studies; number of total ECTS credits and modules; the knowledge, competences, attitude, autonomy and responsibility to be attained in line with the Hungarian Qualifications Framework; and the entry requirements.
The evaluation is conducted by experts via the HAC’s databased TIR based on set criteria. [ezt linkelni a bírálati útmutatóhoz!] The expert evaluations are discussed in the field-relevant expert committee and passed on with a proposal for a decision to the HAC Board.