+36 70 516 3244|titkarsag@mab.hu


MAB Board2024-07-02T14:18:28+00:00

Section 71(1) of Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education specifies that the MAB Board has 20 members. Nine members are delegated by the minister, two by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, one by the Hungarian Academy of Arts, three by the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, two by religious legal entities maintaining higher education institutions, one by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one by the National Union of Students in Hungary, and one by the National Association of Doctoral Students. Members of the MAB Board are appointed for a term of six years by the Prime Minister upon the proposal of the minister responsible for education. Their mandate can be renewed for one additional term. (The member delegated by the National Association of Doctoral Students is appointed by the Prime Minister for two years.) Members of the Board – with the exception of the person delegated by the National Association of Doctoral Students – are required to hold a doctoral degree or equivalent. Members of the Higher Education Planning Committee as well as rectors and government officials are barred from membership.

Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education specifies that for the 6-year term beginning on 1 March 2012, the President of the MAB is proposed jointly by the minister responsible for education and the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from among the members of the MAB Board. The President is appointed by the Prime Minister. The position of the President of the MAB has been held by Dr Valéria Csépe since 1 June 2016.

Board members of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (since 1 March 2018)

Valéria Csépe – president
István Greiner – vice president
Bácsné Bába Éva
László Buday
Márton Csanády
Ferenc Gazdag
Gábor Hamza
L. László Kiss
T. László Kóczy
Barna Mezey
Veronika Müller
István Seszták
Péter Tóth
Barbara Menyhárt , HÖOK
Dániel Molnár , DOSZ

Members of the University Professors’ College
(from September 06 2024)
 L. László Kiss – full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
László Mátyus – university professor
István Stipta – university professor
Andrea Bencsik – university professor
Judit  Csoba – university professor
József Fülöp – university professor
György Gát – university professor
László Gulácsi – university professor
Attila Hegedűs– university professor
Lajos Kemény – university professor
Ferenc Köteles – university professor
András Liker – university professor
Gabriella Medvegy – university professor
Gábor Mucsi – university professor
László Nyitray – university professor
Zoltán Rajnai – university professor
T. Tamás Sikos – university professor
Miklós Szabó – professor emeritus
Ágota Tóth – university professor
Miklós Tóth – university professor
Members of the Training College
(from 06 September 2024)
Réka Franciska Vas – associate professor
Attila Csikász-Nagy –university professor
Zoltán Balogh – college professor
András Derényi – educational development specialist
Bendegúz Dibusz – National Conference of Student Governments
Endre Domokos – associate professor
Cecília Hodúr – university professor
Ildikó Horn – university professor
Levente Varga – National Conference of Student Governments
Accreditation College Members
(from 06 September 2024)
Márta Törőcsikné Görög – university professor
Bendegúz Dibusz – National Conference of Student Governments
Péter Drahos – corporate stakeholder
Gyöngyvér Hervainé Szabó  – college professor
Zsolt Kovács – associate professor
Members of the Doctoral Accreditation College
(from June 28, 2024)
László Buday – university professor, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Tamás Béres – university professor
László Csernoch – university professor
János D. Mekis – associate professor
Andrea Miskolciné Mikáczó – associate professor
Zoltán Musinszki – associate professor
Henriett Primecz– university professor
László  Varga – university professor
Péter Vámosi – National Association of Doctoral Students
Members of the College of Theology
(from 28 June 2024)
István Seszták – college professor
Péter Ágoston Bagyinszki  – college associate professor
Nándor Máté Birher – university professor
Tamás Biró – associate professor
Zsuzsanna Farkas – National Association of Doctoral Students
Zoltán Kustár – university professor
István Novák – associate professor
Ferenc Pap – university professor
Csaba Racs – college professor
Katalin Julianna S. Dinnyés – National Association of Doctoral Students
Anna Szalay – National Conference of Student Governments
István Takáts – college professor
László Tóth-Soma – college professor
Attila Thorday – university professor
Csaba Ungvári – college associate professor
SzabolcsVarga – college associate professor
Máté Vasas – National Conference of Student Governments
Krisztián Vincze – university professor
Members of the Medical Education Working Group
(from 6 September 2024)
László Mátyus – university professor
László József Czopf – associate professor
Lajos Kemény – university professor, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
György Panyi – university professor
Róbert Nagy – National Conference of Student Governments
Zoltán Zsolt Nagy – university professor, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Olschewski Andrea – university professor
Péter Vámosi – Hungarian Resident Association

MAB Secretariat leaders

Dr. Péter Levente Lakatos – Director General, Member of the ENQA Board and CEENQA Executive Board
Anikó Kovács – Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Eszter Kőfalusi – legal director
Prokajné Dr. Ibolya Szilágyi – economic manager

MAB Secretariat officers

Dr. Ágnes Bálint
Beatrix Dányi
Dr. Diána Csonka
Gergely Horváth
Judit Kondor-Tarsoly
Orsolya Perlaky
Andrea Szlivka

MAB Secretariat administrators

Lili Bögös
Krisztina Brocskó
Renáta Csorba
Bernadett Drenyovszkiné Katona
Dóra Fetth
Dr. János Incze
Mariann Nagy
Ágnes Schattmann

IT staff of the MAB Secretariat

Attila Borzi – system administrator
Márton Lőrincz – IT administrator

Financial Supervisory Board2025-02-12T16:23:29+00:00

Financial Supervisory Board



Start date of position

End date of position

Mariann Veresné Somos member 09 September 2019
Ádám Török
member 09 September 2019
János Józsa
member 09 September 2019
Board of Appeals and Complaints2024-07-02T15:27:03+00:00

Board members



Start date of position

End date of position

Miklós Maróth Chair 15 February 2019
Attila Császár member 15 February 2019
Zoltán Nagy member 15 February 2019
Eszter Kőfalusi specialist 1 May 2024
Strategic Planning Board2025-01-29T11:21:21+00:00

The task of the SPB (Strategic Planning Board) is to follow the work of the MAB and to provide advise, especially in its annual meetings where, based on the MAB’s annual report and other documents, the SPB issues Recommendations. The MAB may also ask the SPB on occasion by mail to recommend experts for its external evaluations and to consult on other issues.

Name Workplace, Position
Dr. Christoph Grolimund director, AAQ (Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance)
Dr. Guy Haug higher education consultant, lecturer at the University of Valencia
Dr. Padraig Walsh CEO, QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland)
Ronny Heintze Deputy Director, AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes)
Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević professor, former vice-rector of the University of Zagreb, steering committee member to the Institutional Evaluation Program (IEP) of the European University Association (EUA)
Prof. Dr Marilena Maniaci member of the board at ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes), board member of HCERES (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, France)
Hungarian Advisory Board2023-02-15T09:51:24+00:00


Name Place of work and position
Gábor Bojár
(since 22 June 2018)
President of the Board of Directors, Graphisoft SE
István Petényi
(since 26 Ferbruary2021)
Managing Director, evosoft Hungary Kft.
András Háry
(since 22 June 2018)
Managing Director, Autóipari Próbapálya Zala Ltd. [Automotive Test Track Zala Ltd.]
Erzsébet Knáb
(since 22 June 2018)
Managing Director for Human Resources, Audi Hungaria
Gábor Szabó
(since 22 June 2018)
Managing Director, ELI-ALPS
Zita dr. Magyar
(since 26 November 2021)
Director, National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult
Erzsébet Dr. Németh
(since 26 November 2021)
Chairman, State Audit Office of Hungary
Katalin Süle
(since 26 November 2021)
National Vice-President for General Agricultural Affairs, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (As a delegate of President Balázs Győrffy),
Gyula Dr. Kincses
(since 26 November 2021)
Chairman, Hungarian Medical Chamber
Tamás Bihall
(since 26 November 2021)
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Indrustry, Vice-President for Education and Training
Péter Horváth
(since 26 November 2021)
Chairman, National Teachers Chamber
Dr. Lajos Mocsai
(since 08 July 2022)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation of the Hungarian University of Sports Science, Hungarian University of Sports Science