+36 70 516 3244|titkarsag@mab.hu


Mission statement

The Hungarian Accreditation Committee is a national expert board for monitoring, safeguarding and evaluating the quality of teaching, scientific research and artistic activities in higher education.

Its key task is to provide evaluation services to facilitate high standards of learning in Hungarian higher education institutions and to promote quality assurance to support all levels of education and all stakeholders involved. The MAB works in line with the laws relevant to higher education, performs the tasks assigned to it, meets the ESG 2015 criteria and proceeds in line with the objective, complex and modern guidelines developed by its disciplinary committees and the MAB Board. Through its activities, the MAB promotes the independence of operations. It applies, develops and/or adapts assessment methodologies conforming to international standards. The MAB’s work as an expert, accreditor, analyst and submitter of proposals follows the values specified in the international standards, is based on objective criteria and is independent, unbiased and free from politics. Through all of its activities, the MAB endeavours to solidify the quality culture of higher education institutions in order to improve the standards of Hungarian higher education and strengthen its international reputation.

MAB’s core values:

(1) Transparency: the MAB makes the principles underlying its decisions and analyses public, and publishes its position statements as well as the criteria used in its decision-making and analysis.

(2) Independence: autonomy in its operations ensures and facilitates the high standards and recognition of the work performed by the MAB, while its independence as an organisation guarantees respect and support for the autonomy of higher education institutions.

(3) Cooperation: the MAB regularly consults higher education stakeholders and works with higher education bodies, peer agencies in quality assurance and reputable international quality assurance organisations.

(4) Integrity: the MAB acts in an irreproachable, fair, unbiased, objective and professional manner at all times.

Key goals:

  • To protect all stakeholders in higher education with regard to quality.
  • To support the improvement of quality standards in higher education.
  • To report on the quality of higher education to the government and to Hungarian society.

The MAB performs quality certification services by assessing whether an institution or programme meets the quality criteria specified and published by the MAB in advance. The MAB will grant accreditation to an institution or programme if it meets these criteria. The core activity of the MAB is therefore the accreditation of institutions.

Additional tasks include the evaluation of university professor applications, commenting on the doctoral and habilitation policies of institutions, and formulating opinions on various issues concerning the quality of higher education.

  • Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area