The V4QA Forum (Visegrád Four Quality Assurance Forum) took place in Prague between October 11 and 12, 2023, hosted by the Czech accreditation organization, the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (NAB). At the gala dinner diplomats from various embassies attended including Dr. András Baranyi, the Hungarian Ambassador to Prague.
At the forum, representatives of the Czech, Hungarian, Polish, and Slovak quality assurance organizations reported on the developments since the 2022 meeting in Slovakia. They shared their experiences and best practices. In thematic sessions, Prof. Dr. Valéria Csépe from MAB reported on the development of quality assessment in doctoral education in line with the ESG (European Standards and Guidelines) and the Salzburg Principles. Additionally, Director of International Affairs Dr. Péter Levente Lakatos provided a brief summary of the impact of international activities and projects on the development of MAB’s new integrated accreditation tool. Representatives from the Czech, Polish, and Slovak organizations outlined developments that have been introduced and planned in accreditation procedures and evaluation processes, as well as the tasks ahead and the status of external evaluations.