The leaders of the higher education quality assurance agencies of the four Visegrád countries signed the Memorandum establishing the Visegrad Four Quality Assurance Forum (V4QA Forum) on October 7, 2021, in Budapest. On July 1, 2022, the Slovak SAAVS (Slovenská akreditačná agentúra pre vysoké školstvo) took over the coordinating tasks of the Forum. At the online handover of the presidency of the V4QA Forum, on behalf of MAB, Prof. Dr Valéria Csépe, President, gave a welcome speech, and dr. Péter Levente Lakatos, Deputy Director briefly summarized the results and opportunities of the MICROBOL and TSI-OECD (Technical Support Instrument) projects of MAB’s current international activities. Prof. Dr Robert Redhammer, President of SAAVS, introduced the presidential programme of the Slovak V4QA Forum. The event was moderated by Dr Ádám Kégler, Secretary-General of MAB.
The Forum aims to ensure a regular exchange of experience, facilitate the development of an international network of experts, and initiate a system of secretariat staff exchanges. The V4QA Forum is open to wider international collaborations and projects. MAB strives to maintain good relationship and cooperation with quality assurance agencies in Central European countries with similar cultural, historical, and economic backgrounds.